Friends, you are supposed to write comments (or testimonials) for your friends. These would be published in VINE-10, an annual magazine dedicated to the batch passing out that year.
In the column on the right, you can see links to the space for each one of us. To post your comments:
1. Click on the person's name (in the column on the right) 2. Click on "Comments" 3. Write your comment 4. Click on "Post Comment" 5. Type in the Word Verification Box 6. You shall be asked to enter your Google account username and password. Enter it.
We can make it a success. :) Plz write about as many people as possible. From anything to everything. ;)
I think d most enjoyable moment was 2nd sem's mechanical workshop....G3 lab used 2 b at 2 pm after lunch break n v used 2 hav heavy lunch and d workshop felt like a "satsang"! evribody sleeping or yawning!...
Hey all....No one from outside IT branch is going to come and write posts here on our behalf...So just wake up coz its the time for you to write something..\